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Work Life Balance is For both! Its an Art not a Part !

Wait ! Wait ! Wait !

Don’t scroll down before taking a pause and thinking .

What is  the current cause  of my  stress, unbalance, or dissatisfaction? How are these circumstances affecting my  performance and engagement with my job,  my personal life , my self-worth and the people around me ? Am I prioritizing the right things or Am I sacrificing too much? What am I loosing in this whole scenario? So only after you take a mental pause and acknowledge these questions  you will begin to tackle them and enter a world of calm and peace .

For many years Sonia , one extraordinary woman thought herself to be just the girl next door and was always in guilt for being a woman who prioritised herself too , while giving equal importance and value to her work, family, friends ,kids and society. But the world called her a wonder woman.

Lets talk about the messages and learnings form the life of this wonder woman.

Its the capacity to recognize how a situation is makes us feel. Awareness of our emotional state is essential in order to determine the changes e want to make in our work and in our life. As per the saying , morning shows the day similarly how we feel and think determines our productivity and our response to the work which shall effect the result from the activity , an outcome of this could be Stress Management and Work-Life Integration

The first message is we all need to Pay attention to our emotions

ts the capacity to recognize how a situation is makes us feel. Awareness of our emotional state is essential in order to determine the changes e want to make in our work and in our life. As per the saying , morning shows the day similarly how we feel and think determines our productivity and our response to the work which shall effect the result from the activity , an outcome of this could be Stress Management and Work-Life Integration

The next message is to Reprioritize, actually reshuffle our priorities

Our priorities often shift faster than our day-to-day time allocation habits and hence how we spend our time in a way that lined up with our true priorities. Sometimes everything seems veery important but we still need to once again take a pause and reshuffle them coz we all but have 24 hours and we cant drain ourselves by putting everything in the same significance , one outcome of this could be better Time Management

Third in the row comes Considering our alternatives

Sometimes a small reflection can give us a different perspective hence different alternatives. It could be a new way and process to do the same thing , it could be delegating a particular task to someone or seeking some external help and that’s all ok , each process can be used without any guilt and an outcome of this could be Stress Management, better Time Management and Work-Life Integration

Another one for now will be Implement changes

Finally, once we’ve recognized our priorities and carefully considered the options that could help us improve, it’s time to take action. That can mean a “public” change — something that explicitly shifts our colleagues’, society , family or friends   expectations, such as taking on a new role that’s designed to be less time-demanding or allows for a compressed-week model — or a “private” change, in which we informally change our work patterns, without necessarily attempting to change others expectations but every small change might seem difficult in the beginning yet it shall soon become easy, an outcome could be Productivity and  better Time Management

Last one and the most important one is to learn the ART of saying NO

Yes , is the reflex habit but we need to incorporate all the above 4 habits of Implementing change, considering alternatives , reshuffling our priorities and pay attention to our emotions and one ultimate message all will give and teach us is the ART of saying NO


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